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Finsterwalder PARALOCK 3 (piece) Separating Quick-Out Carabiner

Finsterwalder & Charly

  • $129.00 AUD

The price for a single item, please order two for a pair.

Finsterwalder PARALOCK 3 Separating Quick-Out Carabiner


Universal quick-release paragliding carabiner

The next-generation paragliding carabiner offers extra safety in dangerous situations: Its quick-release function prevents dangerous interactions between the reserve and the paraglider and is useful for emergency water landings and high wind conditions on the ground.

The PARALOCK 3 has a new patented locking system that is easy and safe to operate. Moreover, the swivel lever can be additionally blocked if required.

Unlike conventional paragliding carabiners, the PARALOCK 3 lock is form-fit, so the dynamic stress relevant to material fatigue in flight is only a fraction.

It has survived the fatigue test of 2.000 load changes at 525 DaN top load and then 5 million load changes at 240,5 DaN at an accredited materials testing institute without damage. This is equivalent to 5 years of tandem operation with unlimited flight hours. The maximum recommended service life for mono paragliding use is 8 years, with no risk of material fatigue even with extended use.

Overview of the Finsterwalder PARALOCK 3's most important features

  • Helpful in emergencies, as the connection can be released under load.
  • Long service life without the problems of material fatigue.
  • Intuitive and safe operation with an additional blocking option.
  • Easy and twist-free installation on almost any harness.
  • No need to carry a crosscut knife.
  • 2.800 DaN breaking load at only 75 g weight.

* 1 DaN (Dekanewton) = 10 Newton ≈ 1 kg


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