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XC Tracer Paragliding Vario Tips and Tricks

Posted by Martin Havel on

XC Tracer Mini V GPS is a Swiss-made lag-free solar GPS vario in a compact and functional package that performs up to the highest standard. XC Tracer Mini V GPS weighs only 34 grams. This small minimalistic package has more than one trick up its sleeve! Many world's best pilots use XC Tracer Mini V for competitions and long XC flights. The time-lag free indication of the climb/sink rate using beeping tones makes it much easier to find core thermals than when using a conventional variometer. XC Tracer Mini V GPS is a great option to accelerate your progression when learning how to thermal or to get the most of your thermaling time. Finding the next thermal and climbing fast are two top contributors to reaching the highest speed-to-fly for the day.


Lag-free audio feedback
Conventional variometers have the major flaw of having a lag between the airmass activity and the audio feedback. XCTracer Mini V GPS gives lag-free audio feedback due to the use of an accelerometer combined with the barometer. This allows being way more efficient in thermals, especially in weak conditions!


Most popular Android eReaders used by pilots flying with XC Tracer Mini V GPS

You can customize the audio feedback sound to your taste here via XC Tracer Tone Simulator


GPS Logger - FAI CAT 1 certified
XC Tracer Mini V GPS logs a .IGC and .KML file in parallel. The .IGC files are accepted by F.A.I. for paragliding competitions.

Exceptional autonomy
You might not have to charge it for a full season! There is a lithium polymer battery built in when fully charged the battery has enough energy to power XC Tracer Mini V GPS for more than 20h hours without sunshine. Since the battery gets charged when it's exposed to sunlight (even when the device is turned off) by the solar cell you get almost infinite autonomy! You can also charge the battery via the Micro USB cable included.

Bluetooth and USB connectivity
The Bluetooth BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) 4.0 module built-in allows you to connect the Mini V GPS to your favourite app (see a list here) on your Android /iOS / Kobo device. A USB connection is also possible. You can configure the BLE strings that you want to send to your phone, tablet or e-reader using a simple configuration file.

Keep it Simple
One button and that's all. You'll use it to switch on / switch off the device and to choose the volume from 0 (silence) to 3 (loud) Configuration is made via an intuitive text file. If you struggle with the updates or just to access the XCTracer memory check out this page.

Flight Log
We highly recommend the software LogFly ! Intuitive and compatible with the XCTracer. Don't bother counting your hours anymore! It does everything by itself and provides many interesting statistics!

You can use XC Tracer Mini V GPS also as an IGC and KML logger, both files are logged in parallel, and the IGC files are accepted by FAI for paragliding competitions. There is a lithium polymer battery built in when fully charged the battery has enough energy to power XC Tracer Mini V GPS for more than 20h hours without sunshine. The battery will get charged with power from the high-efficiency solar cells during the flight, but you can charge the battery also over the Micro USB cable that is shipped with XC Tracer Mini V GPS. There is also a Bluetooth Low Energy BLE 4.0 module built in. You can configure the BLE strings that you want to send to your phone, tablet or e-reader using a simple configuration file. And of course, does the variometer indicates the climb/sink rate with beeping tones. And the good thing is that you can modify the tone settings as you wish, please check the tone simulator here.

The ratio of energy delivered from the solar panel and the power consumption of the variometer is even better compared to XC Tracer II. You can likely fly all season without ever having to recharge the battery of your XC Tracer Mini V GPS.

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